Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Wild Fire Relief @ Stone Lounge

Join us Sunday September 6th at Stone Lounge from 4PM to 8PM to aid in the fight against the fires in Eastern Washington. Donations will be accepted from 4PM to 8PM and will go to COMMUNITY FOUNDATION of NORTH CENTRAL WASHINGTON and individual donations can be made through our GoFundMe page www.gofundme.com/stoneaid

In addition as we all know the Fires in Eastern Washington have only been a little over 10% contained most of us wish we could do more as we can not actually fire fight, but we can help. We ask for support in the donations of things like bottle water, Gatorade and ready to eat foods which will be donated to our local area RED CROSS and be delivered to the Firefighters and those in need that were directly impacted by the fires


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